Gospel message written by Mr JD McColl of Brisbane, Australia.
The Greatest Story Ever Told
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God has revealed Himself in creation, displaying His skill and majesty, through this vast and intricate universe: “For He spoke, and it was, He commanded, and it stood fast.” The vastness and splendour of the heavens, the immeasurable distances of space, the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars are astounding witnesses to His reality and power.
Later, God wrote down His ten commandments on Mount Sinai and in doing so He defined His moral and righteous character, demanding absolute holiness. Could humankind rise to such a standard? Let the Bible answer this vital question: “Now the law came in that the offence might abound (to convince humanity of sin), but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” The intention of the commandments was to reveal sin for what it really is and not the means of gaining acceptance with God.
Augustus Montague Toplady (1740-1778), author of the famous hymn ‘Rock of Ages’, likewise answers this question through the following words:
Not the labour of my hands can fulfil Thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know, could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone; Thou must save and Thou alone.
By creation and commandment, God has spoken, but only Calvary has made known the wonder of His love. Observe five great facts about this verse:
1) It reveals the Secret of another world – ‘For God so loved the world’
The Bible tells us that God is Love. It is His very nature to love. Long before there was sin, expressing itself in greed, lust, pride, selfishness, rebellion and murder, there was unconditional love in the heart of God.
God, who knows every thought of the mind, every desire of the heart and every sin of the life, loves us just the same. He hates sin with a perfect hatred and has no intention of tolerating what He has already condemned. But the amazing fact is that God loves humankind, despite the fact that we stand condemned. The following words of scripture prove this conclusively: “But God commendeth (demonstrates) His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
God did not send evil into the world. Such an accusation is a subtle attempt to blame Him for the wrongs of society. Humanity must be held accountable for their actions. God’s love provides the basis of forgiveness and the power to change human lives. The transforming power of redemption, through the precious blood of Christ resulting in forgiveness and freedom from a sense of guilt is the theme of the Gospel and proof of God’s love.
2) It reveals the fact that Sacrifice is central in importance — ‘that He gave His only begotten Son’
Each person finds themselves in this world by natural generation. But the Lord Jesus Christ was not subject to these laws. He chose to come into the world and He was willing to be sent: “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” God gave His son. The divine plan was for God’s only Son to come and bear the punishment and penalty for human sin. There was no other way! The Lord Jesus Christ illustrated this when He said: “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit.”
Despite our sinning against God and deserving His righteous judgment, yet, because of the sacrificial death of Christ, He is able to righteously forgive our sins, pardon our guilt and render us fit for heaven.
3) It reveals the Simplicity of the Message — ‘that whosoever believeth on Him’
Ideas promoted by the religious world as to how one can be right with God and receive the forgiveness of sins are varied, complex and impossible. To depend on religious ceremony or human efforts to accumulate merit by sincerely attempting to be honest, respectable and God-fearing although highly commendable, cannot satisfy the demands of a holy God. It is not what we can do. Rather, it is what has already been done through the infinite sacrifice of the Son of God on the Cross of Calvary. It is not by works of righteousness which we have done, but what the Lord Jesus Christ has perfectly accomplished, when He said on the Cross: “It is finished.”
To believe means to take God at His word. It is accepting the record of God concerning His Son: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” That is, salvation comes about by placing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who died but now lives to save all who are willing to receive Him.
4) It reveals the Solemnity of the Message — ‘should not perish’
Nothing in this world can adequately explain what it will mean to perish everlastingly. The greatest suffering experienced in this life can never equate with perishing. To perish does not mean an extinction of being, but endless, conscious torment and remorse.
This is illustrated in the tragic story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where those guilty of gross and unnatural acts “suffered the vengeance of eternal fire.” The separation of those who receive God’s forgiveness and those who refuse it must then be inevitable. To refuse God’s forgiveness is clearly a decision made by the individual and therefore such a decision cannot be blamed on the Saviour of the world. If He came so that those who believe in Him should not perish, how then can those who reject Him and His gift of eternal life do other than perish? Clearly, those who persistently turn their backs on God’s offer must ultimately deprive themselves of this eternal salvation.
5) It reveals the Sureness of the Message — ‘but have everlasting life.’
God, who cannot lie, gives complete assurance that the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ will never perish but have everlasting life. To possess eternal life is the antithesis of perishing. But it means more than this. The possessor of eternal life becomes a sharer of all the spiritual riches and blessings resident in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, the love of God is limitless and embraces all. Its reality is demonstrated in that God willingly gave the best He had – His only Son. It was not for one nation or group of people. But, He was given so that all, without distinction or exception, who repose their faith on Him, will be rescued from destruction and blessed with the life that is life indeed.
This saving message is available to all, regardless of one’s cultural background, social status or place in time. Such amazing love deserves a grateful response, producing “repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
May you come to know Him as your living, personal Saviour. Be reminded that your choice will determine your eternal destiny.
References. 1. John 3.16 2. Psalm 33.9 3. Romans 5.20 4. Romans 5.8 5. John 4.14 6. John 12.24 7. John 19.30 8. Romans 10.17 9. Jude 7 10. Acts 20.21